Wednesday, February 25, 2009

google me this ...

It was very subtle in my life. It started with an occassional comment from a friend or colleague about "googling this" or "googling that". I didn't know it, but after a time or two I was convinced that I had known what "googling" was since birth.

Then came the very first google conversation -- I use YAHOO I replied and that pretty much ended that. It wasn't long after that my brother insisted I check out his "world of google" as I liked to refer it. I half-heartedly complied and saw the calendar, the blog, the this, the that, a seemingly endless googlesphere of stuff. This google thing seemed to have infiltrated my brother's soul and taken over. Why in the world would I want a bunch of people seeing my calendar - I thought to myself. I'll stick with YAHOO.

You know where it goes from here. Innocently - a blog. Well that was easy, I wonder about that calendar application (just for personal use of course). Analytics, another calendar, a few gmail addresses for some clients, a couple more calendars all complexly linking different parts of my life with rainbow colors, a foray into sites, some more calendars, additional gmail accounts, this password, that password another calendar for good measure -- and I am officially googlified. I mean really - YAHOO, who uses YAHOO anymore.

When do you think there going to start charging for this stuff? I can't envision my life without google so whenever they do I guess I'll be in line check in hand. YAHOO who!?!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

500,000,000 and counting

I am a pretty reflective person. I am not necessarilly all about changing things (honestly I have a pretty good life) or creating new goals, however, I spend more time than the average person (I believe) reflecting over the past and often playing things back in my mind.

For example, as of right now I have been an adult 745,397,926 seconds. Probably slightly less than 1/3 of that time has been sleeping (you know how your twenties and thirties go). So if I calculated this correctly (and assuming approximately 7 hours and 45 minutes per day for sleep) then on this day I should be passing the 500,000,000 waking second part of my adult life. How exciting - one half billion opportunities to impact the world around me!!

Ummmm - I'm not sure I'm doing that well! I can think of some positive things that I may have added to some people around me, and possibly there is a person or two out there that has been significantly impacted by me, but all in all I'm not really sure how I really stack up here. Unfortunately, I don't feel a whole lot better about this if I look at it by minutes, hours, days, or even weeks. Exactly how many people should you have really been able to make an impact on in 207,067 hours. You would think more than a couple of hundred - wouldn't you. Now maybe I am underestimating my imact on the people and the world around me, but then again maybe I am overestimating. Maybe I am right on - huh!?

I am not morose about this. I rather look at it as an opportunity to be more effective. You see tomorrow I will have about 59,400 more seconds to try and make a difference. By the way - you'll have about the same. If I do my part and you do your part maybe we can get better at this "change the world" thing. Who knows, 23 years, 7months, 11 days, 19 hours, 54 minutes, 44 seconds from now I might have a very different opinion about how I'm doing.

BAD Blogger...BAD

Okay - so I've gotten a bit of feedback on the lack of posting the past several weeks. Here I thought everyone struggled to get anything done during the holidays (which begin on Thanksgiving and officially end President's Day), but it seems that is not entirely true. The truth is I have some (maybe even several) drafts in the works, but they're not quite where I want them. Just a little bit more refining (to allow for the OCD me to be happy) and I should get most of these up this week. NOTE: I will be posting by the date of the draft because long after you read this I want to be able to look back and check it out myself - so you may want to look backwards for a while or check ut new titles in the menu to the right. Pretty much anything in January and early February would be a good place to start.

As noted in an earlier post I have had to get more creative for spending money with the demise of my weekly poker game so I have resorted to work -- which has gone well. I have traveled a bit, and really seen some good projects come together. We continue to consider ourselves blessed when it comes to work, and hopefully contribute minutely to those folks who so graciously send stuff our way. I've been working out a video series in my head that I would love to get off the ground this year, but I still have some obstacles to overcome.

On the family side - we have had some real high points and a couple of low points. I have some thoughts which exists in drafts to this point and hopefully I will get these out this week. Anyway - I appropriately award myself the BAD BLOGGER of the New Year award. God, grant me the ... courage to change the things I can!!

I will remove this post when I am officially caught up!